Recommendations to Maintain and Repair Your Home Sewer Lines

Home plumbing problems can bring your household to a full stop as you deal with raw sewage, clogged drains, and the resulting bacteria and viruses that come into your home and put your family at risk of illness and disease. It is essential for you to keep your home's sewer system in good repair constantly so you can always have a clean living space and continual sewage disposal. Whether your home is on a city sewer connection or has its own septic system installed onsite, here are some recommendations to help you when you need to arrange for professional plumbing services in your home.

When Your Home's Sewer Is Backing Up

Home sewer lines get a lot of use as waste travels through them and out your home. Occasionally a plumbing clog can occur in the line when there is too much interior build-up or part of the plumbing line is damaged and is causing waste to collect and backup the system. A sewer line clean-out option with a sewer snake auger can restore flow to your system, but sometimes there is damage to the line.

When your home's main sewage line breaks down from age or the weight of the soil upon it, you will need to replace its length. Your plumbing professional can replace the line either by a non-excavation process where they insert a new line through the old sewer line. They may also need to excavate the length and replace the entire pipe with a new one. 

When Septic Clogs Occur

Although most homes are set up onto a city sewer connection, there are still a number of households relying upon a septic system for sewage treatment. Your septic system drains your home's sewage waste into the septic tank where it separates the solids from the liquids. When the tank becomes too full of solids or a clog occurs in the tank's pipes, you will end up with a backup in your home waste elimination process. This type of clog can cause your toilets to not flush properly and even raw sewage to come up into drains and tubs. 

Contact your plumbing professional so they can determine where the clog has occurred in your septic system, as it may be in the drain field lines, the plumbing pipes, or in the distribution box. A professional plumber can clean out the system with a plumbing snake or a hydro jet cleaning system and can inspect the interior of the lines with a remote camera they run through the lines. 

About Me

Getting Your Home Repaired

As a homeowner, you never know what kinds of problems are right around the corner. I used to try to fix things on my own, but a few months ago I realized that there were some big problems with my home. The back porch seemed to be falling away from the house, and the entire foundation was cracking slightly. I knew that I needed to do something to make things right, so I started focusing carefully on finding a general contractor. After I found a professional with the credentials that I needed, it was great to see the repairs on my home come together. Check out this blog for more information on home repairs.


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