Understanding What Your Shingle Roof Installers Are Doing

Most homeowners do not know how to install a roof, which is why they hire professionals. You can let the installers do their job, then come home to a new roof a day or two later. However, if you are a curious type of person, you might wonder what the shingle installers are doing when they're working on your roof. Here's a basic overview of the steps they'll follow.

Removing the old shingles

First, a roofer will use a special roofing shovel to strip shingles off your roof. This part goes quickly. They generally toss the shingles down into a dumpster below.

Putting down roof fabric

Roof fabric, also known as underlayment, is a material that gets put down directly on top of the roof deck, which is the wood that forms the base of your roof. Your roofers will unroll sheets of the fabric and secure them with staples. This fabric serves as an extra barrier against water and moisture. In wet areas, your roofer will use tougher, more durable roof fabric.

Applying flashing

Next, your roofer will put flashing down in valleys and around chimneys. Flashing is just sheets of metal. It helps prevent leaks in these leak-prone areas. Flashing may be secured with caulk, roofing cement, or rivets.

Nailing down shingles

Once the roof underlayment and flashing are in place, then the roofers will start nailing down shingles. They'll start at the edge of the roof, near the gutters. After applying one layer of shingles, they will move on to the next layer, placing it over the top of the lower layer. They'll cover the nails with the next layer of shingles, which prevents leaks from coming in around the nail heads.

Applying gutters

Finally, after the roof is totally covered in shingles, your roofers will attach the gutters. If your old gutters are still in good shape, your roofer will often just put them back up. But if your old gutters are leaky or damaged, your roofer will likely use new ones instead. Gutters are hung using metal fasteners. The downspouts are then connected to carry water down from the roof.

Hopefully, these basic steps have given you an overview of how roofers install and shingle a roof. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask your roofer. Most are happy to explain things. 

For more information about asphalt shingle roof installations, contact a local company. 

About Me

Getting Your Home Repaired

As a homeowner, you never know what kinds of problems are right around the corner. I used to try to fix things on my own, but a few months ago I realized that there were some big problems with my home. The back porch seemed to be falling away from the house, and the entire foundation was cracking slightly. I knew that I needed to do something to make things right, so I started focusing carefully on finding a general contractor. After I found a professional with the credentials that I needed, it was great to see the repairs on my home come together. Check out this blog for more information on home repairs.


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