How Tell If You Should Waterproof The Interior Of A Basement

Internal basement waterproofing can protect the investment you've made in your home. Homeowners are often unsure if their places require interior basement waterproofing, especially if their properties already have external systems like downspouts and French drains. They can tell if there are problems that justify internal waterproofing, though, by looking for four issues.

Peeling Paint or Waterproofing Materials

When water is trapped inside the basement's walls or floors, it will slowly undermine any paint or waterproofing products. Eventually, this can cause the surface to bubble and peel. You may see bits of paint fall onto the basement floor, for example. Sometimes it comes off in big chunks, but it may also look a bit like powder. This is a strong sign that the wall is allowing moisture to get into the basement, even if you don't see pooling water.


The walls and floors may also crack due to the presence of water. Especially in regions where there are wild temperature swings in the winter, water in the walls will expand and contract as the weather shifts. Over time, this process will cause bricks, blocks, concrete, and stones in the foundation to bust. Generally, these appear as cracks in the wall.

Other problems can cause cracks, too. For example, the foundation could be settling unevenly. However, this will still allow water into the basement. Consequently, the house will still require interior basement waterproofing.

Stained Walls and Floors

As water moves through the structure of the basement, it will leave behind stains. This comes from minerals in the water, including salts and metals usually acquired while passing through the soil. Salt stains often are white, and metallic stains tend to be orange due to their high iron content. You might also see uglier stains from mold that's coming and going.

Notably, you should make sure waterproofing is the problem. If the center of the stain is near the drain hole in the basement floor, for example, it could be due to backups. Generally, internal basement waterproofing problems appear in several areas unless you happen to catch them very early.

Musty Scents or Visible Mold

Unsurprisingly, any moisture that gets into the basement can foster mold growth. You may see mold growing on the walls, fixtures, or furnishings in the basement. If the mold isn't visible, you might still notice a musty smell. This is especially common during the hottest months of the year. Also, you can frequently feel the extra humidity in the basement on cold days.

To learn more, contact a basement waterproofing service in your area such as Blue Water Basement Waterproofing.

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Getting Your Home Repaired

As a homeowner, you never know what kinds of problems are right around the corner. I used to try to fix things on my own, but a few months ago I realized that there were some big problems with my home. The back porch seemed to be falling away from the house, and the entire foundation was cracking slightly. I knew that I needed to do something to make things right, so I started focusing carefully on finding a general contractor. After I found a professional with the credentials that I needed, it was great to see the repairs on my home come together. Check out this blog for more information on home repairs.


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